Discover the crisp Midwest voice in Eric Frey!

Radio/TV Commercials
Audio Books/ Narrations
Video Game Voiceover

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Eric Frey

About Eric

Born and raised in southern Butler County, Iowa as a farm boy, Eric Frey always had the desire to do voice imaging and broadcasting. Being brought up in a very musical family and listening to radio broadcasting is what perpetuated him into his career. His experience and career started early. His first major gig was in high school broadcasting for a weekly high school news update on Waterloo AM Station KWWL 1330 followed by some d-jaying in the late 70s and early 80s. Eric did some voice-overs for local TV commercials as well as some songwriting and recording of his own music and songs on a few CD compilations. He also performed at several venues including weddings, wedding dances and holiday parties. In March 2013, Eric decided to get some more voice-over training to further his experience and was fortunate to use his talents in a southeast regional ad for a large corporate company.

​Eric’s passion for voice and broadcasting coupled with his experience will further your company's outreach.
Discover the crisp Midwest voice in Eric Frey!

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